Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Spring is coming

The horses are looking forward to the spring and grass growing.

Holly and Teddy are friends

Think Holly likes Teddy, a new horse on the yard

Managed to get a little painting done around the yard

Nice to find time and the weather to paint the dovecote and a few horses shoes around the yard.

Finding somewhere warm

Treacle the goat has moved into one of the stables to keep warm.

The snow is melting fast

The sun is melting all the snow around the farmyard.

Keep needing to feed the wild birds

The wild birds are enjoying the seeds, nuts and fatty balls through the winter

Fernley and Squirrel are happy in the sunshine

The two Tamworth pigs enjoying the sun on days like today

Twinkle and Star enjoying being out

Twinkle and Star needing a little extra food when the snow is on the ground

Winter is coming

Baby girl, the Wendsleydale sheep is ready for the winter